
The Clone Wars

First the originals....
Now the clones....

#1 Clone: menéame
Where do you digg for the latest news ? Digg you say?
Want a Spanish version you say ?
Here comes the Spanish alternative of Digg - menéame

Any difference you say ?
Not much of a difference in contrast with Digg, except its in Spanish.
Will it become the next Digg ?
Or will it not ?


#2 Clone: SlideBurner
Where do you normally share your presentations on the web?
Or where do you normally backup your presentations ?
SlideShare ?
How about an alternative ?
Here comes SlideShare's Europe cousin - SlideBurner


#3 Clone: MyVideo

Where do you normally hunt for videos online ?
YouTube ?
How about trying the German YouTube - MyVideo

Will these clones eventually emerge as the replacements ?
Or will they not ?
Remember how Facebook came about and disrupt the game in the social networking sites ?
Just when Friendster and MySpace are getting comfortable, Facebook changes the rules of the game.

So will the clones survive ?
Or will they fad out ?
What do you think ?


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