
Live streaming web analysis tool

How do you know what's going on in your website ?
When someone comments on your blog ?
When someone posts in your forum ?
When someone purchases an item ?
Or ?
Using an web analytics tool you say ?

How often do you track the activities that is going on your website ?
How often do you conduct your website analysis ?
Is it possible to streams website and blog events to you live, in real-time ?
Yes ?
No ?
Now it is possible, thanks to reinvigorate Snoop.

What's so special about Snoop you say.
Simply put, Snoop is a desktop application streaming website
and blog events to you live, all in real-time.

  • If you're new to tracking your website activities, here's Snoop that you might want to give it a try first before eventually venturing into more advanced third party web tracking tools available.
  • Or if you're already have an web analytics tool up and running, you might want to consider having this add-on tool in tracking your website activities.
Alright here's 3 steps to get you started:

1. Simply just download the application,
available for Mac OS X or Windows XP / Vista

2. You will need to register at reinvigorate.

2. Once installed, it will be running in your System Tray (Windows) / System Status Bar (Mac)

3. Before it will be ready in tracking the activities in your website, you will need to insert the tracking snippet on any page you want it to be tracked.

Once the 3 steps are done, you're ready to track your website activities in real time. The next time round, whenever someone makes a comment on your blog, posts in your forum, purchases an item, gets referred from another site or a new unique user appears, Snoop will trigger an unique sound to let you know.

On top of that, Snoop also features an automatic integration with name tags so you'll know exactly who your visitors are.

Alright enough said, time to start Streaming.
Time to start Tracking.


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