
Tsunami Disaster

31 DECEMBER * Asian Tsunami Disaster

A Thai rescue worker secures the area with white body bags of unidentified victims along the highway of Takua Pa town, Panga province. The confirmed death toll from tidal waves in Thailand is now 4,351, a provincial governor says

Help those affected by this devastating tragedy. Do what you can to lend a hand. You could help by donating to the following.

Red Cross

Network For Good



Quote Of The Day*

27 DECEMBER * Quote Of The Day

Success is to be measured not so
much by the position that one has
reached in life as by the obstacles
which he has overcome.
* Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915) *


Merry Xmas 2004

Rock-Your-Boat wishes all
merry Xmas*2004.....Best Wishes

Merry Xmas*04


Share Your Stories

18 DECEMBER * Share Your Stories !

Yes...share your stories with everyone..
Whether it's a Success or Failure story,
do share with everyone out here.
Rock-Your-Boat wants to hear your stories,
so do drop us your stories.
Email Us your stories, Post your stories.
--> dericloh@walla.com <--
Do it Today.
Do it Now !


Quote Of The Day^

15 DECEMBER * Quote Of The Day^

One thing life has taught me: if you are
interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.
*Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962) *


Rock Your Way to Success #20

14 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #20

* Try Something that is doom to fail *

Yes, it might sound absurd but not even trying at
all is even more absurd...
You might be surprised that you actually can learn
or get something out of it...
There is bound to be criticism from people you know, don't give
in to what these people are trying to tell you, just think that they are jealous because you are trying something new...
Try it today...
Yes..to failure...meaning = Yes to new possibility...new boundries...
...new ideas...


Rock Your Way to Success #19

11 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #19

* Jot It Down *

Ever had a great idea popping up in your head and when you try to recall the next time, it's gone ?

Everyday, anywhere, any moment of your life, you will never know what will come popping up your mind. Think about the great ideas or thoughts just come and gone in a second.

* Carry with yourself a notepad or even a PDA to jot those ideas / thoughts down.

* Anything that comes popping on your mind, just jot it down.

* Jot the vital information or lose it.


Rock Your Way to Success #18

07 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #18

* Will Power *

Nothing is more powerful than your very own
Will Power to push yourself forward...
It's all in your mind, whether or not you want to make it...
It's your definiteness of purpose which leads to Success...
Will Power !!
Say Yes to yourself & the will power will come to you...
The Will to overcome any obstacles or Failure in life...
Do you have the Will to do it ?


Rock Your Way to Success #17

06 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #17

*Inspire Yourself *

Whenever you feel like giving up...
Whenever you faced a Failure...
Use your own words or other positive aspect of inspiring yourself...
Paint your own successful feelings in the past to make your even more inspired...
Think about whatever things that inspires you when you faced an obstacle in life...
Nobody can do anything to inspire you unless you wanted to...
Inspire Yourself to Success...

Ponder This !

06 DECEMBER * Ponder This !

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
* Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) *


Rock Your Way to Success #16

05 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #16

* Willing To Risk *

Nothing is going to be possible unless you are willing to take risk.
Successful people risk.
Entrepreneurial take risks
No Risk = Nothing is going to happen
Willing to take risk whenever it appears.
Risk = learning through risk taking, doesn't matter whether it's a Failure or Success.
Risk your way to Success....
Start today...

Ponder This !

05 DECEMBER * Ponder This !

"What can i do today that i would be proud,
when i look back later in my life ? "
* Rock-Your-Boat ! *


Rock Your Way to Success #15

03 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #15

* Choose To Choose *

Everyone has a choice to choose.
Doesn't matter who you are, anyone has the freedom to choose decisions.

* Whatever the outcome is, it's all because of whatever you choose to choose.
* Choice to Choose or not to choose at all.
* Freedom to choose
- The life you desired
- Your daily mood

Are you giving up to choose ?
Are you choosing to choose today ?

Rock Your Way to Success #14

02 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #14

* Communication *

Communication = Human Information Exchange or ?
How do you define it ?

Talking to cool people...

Talk to anyone and anyone out there...

Stretch your communication skills...

Communciate Your Way To Success !!

Try this :
Talking to people you never thought possible before, you will be surprised !!


Rock Your Way to Success #13

01 DECEMBER * Rock Your Way to Success #13

* Learning *

Learning...What does the word "Learning" means to you ?
You have been learing day one since you were born...
Constantly learning new things in life...
Constantly trying new things...
Learning through people...
Learning through books...
Learning through experiencing new stuff...
Learning through Failure !
Learning through Success !!
Learning till the day you parted from the world...Since you will be covered up by soil the day you parted from the world...Why not make full use of it !!

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